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Calamba (NSCB) is a component city located in Laguna, Philippines. It is the regional center of the CALABARZON region. Situated south of Manila, the city is a popular tourist destination with its hot spring resorts, most of which are located in Barangay Pansol and Barangay Bucal. With the total count of resorts in Calamba at 661, the city has earned the nickname "Resort Capital of the Philippines". Provided by Wikipedia More Info


Calamba is an important industrial center in the CALABARZON region as shown by the large number of industrial parks and business estates that are located in the city.As per the local government income classification of the Department of Finance in 2001, Calamba is classified as a "first class city". More Info


Calamba has a literacy rate of 98.9%. As of 2007, there are 120 elementary schools, 51 of which are public and 69 private. There are 50 secondary schools, 16 public and 34 private. Post-secondary education include 17 universities and colleges, and 9 technical and vocational schools.Schools located in Calamba include the City College of Calamba, Calamba Bayside National High School (Lingga Rural NH... More Info

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